Are you looking to sell your boat, tubes, lifejackets, or anything that you are no longer needing? Or, are you looking for something like a used dock box or bumpers? Share with your fellow members here! Classified ads are FREE for our valued members and the post will remain active for six months. Have you had great success and sold or found your item? If so, please let us know and we will be happy to take down the ad, as per your request.
Not a Kelowna Yacht Club member? No problem. You are able to submit your ad request at a low rate of only $50.00 plus tax for a six-month term.
Ad submission on the Classifieds page includes:
- posting on the Kelowna Yacht Club classified website page
- six (6) month term
- ability to have up to two images and 75 words to showcase your item(s)
Payments are eligible to be made in person at the front office or over the phone by calling 250-762-3310 Ext. 200.
Ready to submit your ad, please complete the Classified Ad Submission Form here!
Want to remove your ad? Send an email to identifying your ad and requesting it be removed.