Legacy Corporate – Spouse – Designee Application

Please complete all required fields in order for you to be added as a spouse to an existing Legacy Corporate Member of the Kelowna Yacht Club.

This is the name of the member who is adding a spouse.
These fields need to be completed by the Spouse being added to the Corporate Legacy membership.


By typing out my full name below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this electronic form. I further understand that a signature card must also be submitted for reference and that this electronic form and the submitted signature card will have the same legal effect.


If you have filled out the fields above and wish to submit your application, please hit the submit button below.

What happens next:

Once this form is submitted:

  • The Spouse’s application will be presented at the monthly Board of Directors meeting for approval. Those meetings take place on the last Thursday of every month.
  • Following the BOD meeting, and Board approval, the Spouse will receive an email Welcoming them to the Club as an official member.

Thank You and we look forward to seeing you around the club!