5-Day Forecast
Friday, March 14th
Avg Temp : 6.1°C
Saturday, March 15th
Avg Temp : 4.9°C
Sunday, March 16th
Avg Temp : 7.9°C
Monday, March 17th
Avg Temp : 7°C
Tuesday, March 18th
Avg Temp : 7.8°C

KYC Committee Open House
Thursday April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Are you interested in getting more involved in the Club’s leadership? Join the Board for an Open House, where you’ll have the opportunity to learn about governance volunteer opportunities, meet committee chairs, and explore how you can contribute to shaping the Club’s future.
The Open House will be an opportunity to:
⚓ Discover what our committees do and their key responsibilities.
⚓ Meet the committee chairs and board members.
⚓ Learn how you can participate and make an impact.
⚓ Ask questions and find the right fit for your interests.
Whether you are considering joining a committee now or simply want to understand more about how the Club operates, this is a great opportunity to connect and engage.
Date: Thursday, April 3
Time: 6:00-8:00PM
Location: Grand Banquet Room