As one of the oldest non-profit societies in Kelowna, the success of the Kelowna Yacht Club is due to strong member commitment and excellent governance over the years. Following the centuries-old successful traditions of yacht clubs around the world, our Board of Directors maintains leadership continuity over the years.

Michael Newcombe
CommodoreOwner · Newcombe & Company Law Office

Eva Aylward
Past Commodore
Danny Foster
Vice CommodorePLT · FortisBC

Tod Alstad
Rear CommodoreOwner · W. Tod Alstad Insurance, Wealth & Employee Benefits Agency

Ryan Archambault
Director · Treasurer-SecretaryInvestment Advisor & Portfolio Manager · Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc.

Cinzia Zotta Wendland
Director · Staff CaptainHealth & Wellness Adviser · City of Kelowna

Rick Sudeyko
Director · Fleet CaptainRetired

Anita Boehm

Joe Danchuk

Thom Killingsworth
Executive DirectorKelowna Yacht Club
Steering towards our future.
Our strategic planning keeps each succeeding board focused on the future, while meeting our current needs. Our operations are based on the club’s vision to be a premiere yacht club that builds on our rich history while meeting the needs of our members.
Should you wish to reach out to the Board, they may be contacted via email at