Intermediate to Regular Member Application
Thank you for your interest in continuing your membership with Kelowna Yacht Club. Please complete the form below to get the process started.
3. Membership Classes. Members shall be comprised of the following Membership classes:
a. Regular Member. Such a Member enjoys the full rights and privileges of membership in the Club and shall:
i. have attained their nineteenth (19) birthday;
ii. be eligible to hold moorage (maximum one slip) in accordance with Regulations;
iii. be entitled to all Clubhouse privileges including eligibility to use a House Account;
iv. be eligible to hold office or vote at any General Meeting, in person or as represented by proxy;
v. have spousal and family privileges as described in these Bylaws;
vi. pay an Initiation Fee, Annual Member Dues and all other fees, assessments or debts as required by Club Policies; and
vii. be responsible and accountable for the actions of their guests.
3. Membership Classes. Members shall be comprised of the following Membership classes:
c. Intermediate Member. This Member:
i. has attained their nineteenth (19) birthday but has not yet attained their thirtieth (30) birthday;
ii. shall not be eligible to hold moorage;
iii. may have access to the moorage basin in accordance with Regulations;
iv. shall be entitled to all Clubhouse privileges including eligibility to use a House Account;
v. shall not be eligible to hold office or vote at any General Meeting of the Club but may attend as an observer with no stated opinion;
vi. shall have spousal and family privileges as described in these Bylaws;
vii. shall pay an Initiation Fee, Annual Member Dues and all other fees, assessments or debts
as required by Club Policies; and
viii. shall be responsible and accountable for the actions of their guests.
Any Intermediate Member in good standing, upon attaining the age of thirty (30) years, who wishes to maintain Membership in the Club, may elect to become a Member upon written notice received by the Club no later than ninety (90) days following their thirtieth (30th) birthday. Such Member shall not be required to pay any further Initiation Fees for this change.
Regular Membership Fees and Annual Expenses
Membership fees, expenses, and services may change without notice. For applications approved following November 30th, select annual expenses are subject to prorated pricing for the first fiscal year of membership.
Current Fiscal Year Membership Expenses
- $ 1,354.00 + applicable taxes (Includes $500 prepaid minimum spend)
One-Time Fees
- Initiation Fee (one-time fee) | $11,550.00 + GST (If applicable)*
- Application Deposit | $2,887.50 – non-refundable (If applicable)*
- The application deposit will be credited towards the initiation fee upon membership approval.
*As described in Bylaw 3c: Any Intermediate Member in good standing, upon attaining the age of thirty (30) years, who wishes to maintain Membership in the Club, may elect to become a Member upon written notice received by the Club no later than ninety (90) days following their thirtieth (30th) birthday. Such Member shall not be required to pay any further Initiation Fees for this change.
Next Steps
Once this application is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been submitted to the Kelowna Yacht Club.
The application will be presented at the Board of Directors meeting for approval. In general, those meetings take place monthly, on the last Thursday. The application and tour process deadline is the Monday prior
Following the BOD meeting, and Board approval, you will receive an email Welcoming them to the Club as an official Regular member.
Once your membership has been approved by the Board of Directors:
- Your initial payment can be paid by phone or in person by dropping in or calling our Member Services office (Reception) which is open seven days a week from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Call here: (250) 762-3310 Ext. 200.
Paying your account
We accept the following forms of payment: credit card, debit, cheque, web payment through your online bank account, and pre-authorized debit.