5-Day Forecast
Wednesday, March 19th
Avg Temp : 6.9°C
Thursday, March 20th
Avg Temp : 9.4°C
Friday, March 21st
Avg Temp : 7.3°C
Saturday, March 22nd
Avg Temp : 8.3°C
Sunday, March 23rd
Avg Temp : 5.2°C

The Kelowna Yacht Club’s Book Club is a reading group that reads and discusses the latest novels and old favourites. Every month a new book is selected, based around a topic or theme. The Book Club meets the second Thursday of each month.
Thursday, April 10
April · How (Not) to be Stong by Alex Scott
7:00 PM | Book Discussion – Zoom or Jib Room
April · How (Not) to be Stong by Alex Scott
May · The Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
June · The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer
July · None of This is True by Lisa Jewell
August · Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent