Legacy Corporate – Add Designee(s) Request
Please complete the information below to add a new designee to your legacy corporate membership.
Please ensure you have the necessary available spot to add a new designee and/or their spouse. This form is for legacy corporate members only.
Legacy Corporate members at the Kelowna Yacht Club can have up to three (3) designees and their respective spouses.
If you need to remove a corporate designee please do so here.
If you wish to upgrade and have more than three (3) designees on your Corporate Membership, please contact Member Services: info@kelownayachtclub.com | (250) 762-3310 Ext. 200
Bylaw h. This class of Member is an organization that shall:
- be eligible to hold moorage (maximum one slip) in accordance with Regulations;
- be entitled to all Clubhouse privileges, including eligibility to use a House Account;
- not be entitled to hold office or vote at any General Meeting of the Club, however, may attend as an observer with no stated opinion;
- have up to six (6) designees who are either an employee, Partner, Director, or Officer designated within the organization as the named Members to use the Clubhouse and have signing authority on a corporate House Account. Designees accept personal liability for any and all charges incurred, as prescribed by Club Policies;
- membership includes three (3) designees, with each designee paying an additional fee as prescribed by Club Policies;
- appoint one of the designees as the “Primary Member” who agrees to receive and respond to all communications from the Club;
- pay an Initiation Fee and Annual Member Dues and all other fees, assessments, or debts as required by Club Policies; and
- be responsible and accountable for the actions of their guests.
The Primary Member shall be responsible and accountable for the actions of all corporate designees, and their guests and can only be changed by delivery of written notification as required by Club Policies. Any Corporate Member designee who wishes to upgrade to Regular Member status must apply for approval to do so and, if accepted, must pay such Initiation Fee as prescribed by Club Policies.
Corporate Information
Next Steps
Once this form is submitted, your new designee(s) will receive emailed instructions and a link to complete the process by submitting their information.
Step 1. The New Designee(s) and/or their spouse complete and submits the application that was link in the email when you hit submit.
Step 2. The New Designee(s) will be contacted by the KYC Member Services Team to arrange an orientation tour.
Step 3. The New Designee(s)’ application will be presented at the monthly Board of Directors meeting for approval. Those meetings take place on the last Thursday of every month. The application deadline is the Monday prior.
Step 4. Following the BOD meeting, and Board approval, the New Designee(s) will receive an email Welcoming them to the Club as an official member.